
The futures thinking initiative was nationally launched through the Office of Senator Pia S. Cayetano. Mr. Emmanuel de Guia, the Resident Futurist of the Senate Committee on Sustainable Development Goals, Innovations and Futures Thinking, guided the different state universities and colleges (SUCS) in their eventual institutional membership with the Philippine Futures Thinking Society (PhilFutures). After several institutional level meetings and activities, the futures thinking consortium was formalized in April 20, 2022 at the Cebu Technological University, Cebu City, Philippines. The organization was previously named Kaugmaon sa Lambuang Siyete or KaLambuan-7, but with its strategic foresight of increasing coverage and memberships, its name was revised on June 29, 2023, by an online meeting of designated focal persons from the founding member HEIs. The organizational name Kaugmaon sa Lambuang Nasud (KaLambuaN) (Futures of a progressive Nation) was formally adopted.